Paeonia' "Henry Bockstoce" Heirloom Peony

1.Care for Paeonia ‘Henry Bockstoce’

Sunlight and Shade: Plant ‘Henry Bockstoce’ in full sun or partial shade. It tolerates light afternoon shade but thrives best in full sun.
Soil Preference: Well-drained, preferably neutral to alkaline soil is ideal. Ensure good drainage, as peonies dislike waterlogged roots.
Staking: Due to its large flowers, staking may be necessary to prevent them from arching toward the ground during heavy rain. Here are some stakes 
Transplanting: ‘Henry Bockstoce’ doesn’t like being transplanted, so choose its location carefully.
Blooming Time: Expect blooms in late spring to early summer, lasting approximately 7-10 days.
Foliage: Glossy, dark green foliage remains attractive throughout summer and often turns colorful in the fall.
2. Climate and Hardiness Zone:
‘Henry Bockstoce’ is hardy in USDA zones 3-8. It appreciates a sheltered position to protect it from harsh weather conditions.
3. Distinguishing ‘Henry Bockstoce’ from Common Species:
Flower Size: The enormous flowers of ‘Henry Bockstoce’ can reach up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter when fully open.
Color: Its rich cardinal-red petals make it stand out.
Hybrid Origin: ‘Henry Bockstoce’ is a result of crossing Paeonia lactiflora and Paeonia officinalis.
4. Three Cool Facts:
Bud Size: The bud of ‘Henry Bockstoce’ can grow up to an impressive 4.5 cm.
Long Vase Life: When cut in bud, its flowers last over a week in a vase.
Classic Beauty: With its timeless elegance, ‘Henry Bockstoce’ pairs beautifully with roses and other perennials.
Remember, peonies are long-lived plants (up to 50 years!), so choose their planting location wisely. Enjoy the magnificent blooms of ‘Henry Bockstoce’! 🌹🌿